Results for 'Lena Larsson Lovén'

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  1.  14
    Shoes in the ancient world - (s.) pickup, (s.) Waite (edd.) Shoes, slippers, and sandals. Feet and footwear in classical antiquity. Pp. XVIII + 337, figs, ills, map. London and new York: Routledge, 2019. Cased, £115, us$140. Isbn: 978-1-4724-8876-3. [REVIEW]Lena Larsson Lovén - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):631-634.
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    Navigating Populism: A Study of How German and Swedish Corporations Articulate the Refugee Situation in 2015–2016.Christian Garmann Johnsen, Ulf Larsson-Olaison, Lena Olasion & Florian Weber - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (2):341-372.
    To study how populist sentiments have increasingly influenced businesses in society, we examine how German and Swedish corporations addressed the refugee situation in their 2015 and 2016 annual reports. We find that corporations changed their communication once refugee migration became subjected to populist political sentiments, but that they did so without subscribing to those sentiments. Although populism is based on such sharp oppositions as welcoming refugees or closing borders, our analysis shows that corporations have found ways to communicate about the (...)
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    The familia in imperial Rome and late antiquity - M. Harlow, L. Larsson lovén families in the Roman and late antique world. Pp. XVI + 272, figs, ills. London and new York: Continuum, 2012. Cased, £65. Isbn: 978-1-4411-7468-0. [REVIEW]Emma-Jayne Graham - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):210-212.
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    Women and Cult Practices L. Larsson Lovén, A. Strömberg (edd.): Gender, Cult, and Culture in the Ancient World from Mycenae to Byzantium. Proceedings of the Second Nordic Symposium on Gender and Women's History in Antiquity, Helsinki 20–22 October 2000 . (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature Pocket-book 166.) Pp. 168, ill, pls. Sävedalen: Paul Åströms Förlag, 2003. Cased, US$29.80. ISBN: 91-7018-127-X. [REVIEW]Janet Huskinson - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):296-.
  5.  26
    Why we keep separating the ‘inseparable’: Dialecticizing intersectionality.Lena Gunnarsson - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (2):114-127.
    Disputes about how to understand intersectional relations often pivot around the tension between separateness and inseparability, where some scholars emphasize the need to separate between different intersectional categories while others claim they are inseparable. In this article the author takes issue with the either/or thinking that underpins an unnecessary and unproductive polarization in the debate over the in/separability of intersectional categories. Drawing on Roy Bhaskar’s dialectical critical realist philosophy, the author argues that we can think of intersectional categories as well (...)
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    Technocracy, Governmentality, and Post-Structuralism.Oscar L. Larsson - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (1-3):103-123.
    ABSTRACT The technocratic dimension of government—its reliance upon knowledge claims, usually in scientific guise—is of great importance if we wish to understand modern power and governance. In Power Without Knowledge: A Critique of Technocracy, Jeffrey Friedman investigates the often-overlooked question of the relationship between technocratic knowledge/power and ideas. Friedman’s contribution to our understanding of technocracy can therefore be read as a contribution to governmentality studies, one that introduces the possibility of adding normative solutions to this critical tradition.
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    Initial judgment task and delay of the final validity-rating task moderate the truth effect.Lena Nadarevic & Edgar Erdfelder - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:74-84.
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    Philosophy of Cognitive Neuroscience: Causal Explanations, Mechanisms and Experimental Manipulations.Lena Kästner - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    How do cognitive neuroscientists explain phenomena like memory or language processing? This book examines the different kinds of experiments and manipulative research strategies involved in understanding and eventually explaining such phenomena. Against this background, it evaluates contemporary accounts of scientific explanation, specifically the mechanistic and interventionist accounts, and finds them to be crucially incomplete. Besides, mechanisms and interventions cannot actually be combined in the way usually done in the literature. This book offers solutions to both these problems based on insights (...)
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    A defence of the category ‘women’.Lena Gunnarsson - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (1):23-37.
    Against influential strands of feminist theory, I argue that there is nothing essentialist or homogenising about the category ‘women’. I show that both intersectional claims that it is impossible to separate out the ‘woman part’ of women, and deconstructionist contentions that the category ‘women’ is a fiction, rest on untenable meta-theoretical assumptions. I posit that a more fruitful way of approaching this disputed category is to treat it as an abstraction. Drawing on the philosophical framework of critical realism I elucidate (...)
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  10.  26
    City networks’ power in global agri-food systems.Lena Partzsch, Jule Lümmen & Anne-Cathrine Löhr - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1263-1275.
    Cities and local governments loom large on the sustainability agenda. Networks such as Fair Trade Towns International (FTT) and the Organic Cities Network aim to bring about global policy change from below. Given the new enthusiasm for local approaches, it seems relevant to ask to what extent local groups exercise power and in what form. City networks present their members as “ethical places” exercising _power with_, rather than _power over_ others. The article provides an empirical analysis of the power of (...)
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    Vad jag tänker på när jag tänker på livet.Lena Andersson (ed.) - 2012 - [Stockholm]: Brombergs.
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  12. Проблеми функціонування регіонального ринку юридичних послуг в умовах міжнародної інтеграції.Оlena Karlova - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):15-20.
    У дослідженні розглянуто сучасний стан ринку юридичних послуг . Автор виокремлює проблеми функціонування та можливості розвитку регіонального ринку в умовах міжнародної інтеграції, виділяє можливі шляхи нівелювання впливу негативних чинників розвитку регіонального ринку юридичних послуг. Запропоновані комплексні заходи для формування регіональної концепції якості юридичних послуг; упровадження в програму підготовки сучасного юриста спеціальних навчальних курсів у сфері маркетингу, менеджменту, зв'язків із громадськістю; розвитку клієнтоорієнтованих технологій сервісного обслуговування, розробки регіональної програми збереження молодих юридичних кадрів.
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    Intuition.Hans Larsson - 1926 - Jena,: E. Diederichs.
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    Mangy Camels, Noble Stallions and the Disreputable Tail Fat of Lizards. Animals in Ibn García’s Epistle on the Shu‘ūbiyya.Göran Larsson - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):495-503.
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    "The relative merits of goodness and originality": the ethics of storytelling in Peter Carey's novels.Christer Larsson - 2001 - Uppsala: Academiae Ubsaliensis.
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  16. Ḳunṭres Devarim shel ṭaʻam: ʻal tsurat ha-ḥayot.Yiśraʼel Loven - 1999 - [Jerusalem?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science.Lena Soler (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    Featuring contributions from the world’s leading experts on the subject and based partly on several detailed case studies, this volume is the first comprehensive analysis of the scientific notion of robustness as well as of the general ...
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  18. (1 other version)Discovering Patterns: On the Norms of Mechanistic Inquiry.Lena Kästner & Philipp Haueis - forthcoming - Erkenntnis 3:1-26.
    What kinds of norms constrain mechanistic discovery and explanation? In the mechanistic literature, the norms for good explanations are directly derived from answers to the metaphysical question of what explanations are. Prominent mechanistic accounts thus emphasize either ontic or epistemic norms. Still, mechanistic philosophers on both sides agree that there is no sharp distinction between the processes of discovery and explanation. Thus, it seems reasonable to expect that ontic and epistemic accounts of explanation will be accompanied by ontic and epistemic (...)
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  19.  42
    Science After the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science.Lena Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Michael Lynch & Vincent Israel-Jost (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In the 1980s, philosophical, historical and social studies of science underwent a change which later evolved into a turn to practice. Analysts of science were asked to pay attention to scientific practices in meticulous detail and along multiple dimensions, including the material, social and psychological. Following this turn, the interest in scientific practices continued to increase and had an indelible influence in the various fields of science studies. No doubt, the practice turn changed our conceptions and approaches of science, but (...)
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  20.  45
    Retrieval interference in reflexive processing: experimental evidence from Mandarin, and computational modeling.Lena A. Jäger, Felix Engelmann & Shravan Vasishth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:125783.
    We conducted two eye-tracking experiments investigating the processing of the Mandarin reflexive ziji in order to tease apart structurally constrained accounts from standard cue-based accounts of memory retrieval. In both experiments, we tested whether structurally inaccessible distractors that fulfill the animacy requirement of ziji influence processing times at the reflexive. In Experiment 1, we manipulated animacy of the antecedent and a structurally inaccessible distractor intervening between the antecedent and the reflexive. In conditions where the accessible antecedent mismatched the animacy cue, (...)
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  21.  58
    Integrating mechanistic explanations through epistemic perspectives.Lena Kästner - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 68:68-79.
  22.  58
    Moral Stress in International Humanitarian Aid and Rescue Operations: A Grounded Theory Study.Gerry Larsson, Kjell Kallenberg, Misa Sjöberg & Sofia Nilsson - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):49-68.
    Humanitarian aid professionals frequently encounter situations in which one is conscious of the morally appropriate action but cannot take it because of institutional obstacles. Dilemmas like this are likely to result in a specific kind of stress reaction at the individual level, labeled as moral stress. In our study, 16 individuals working with international humanitarian aid and rescue operations participated in semistructured interviews, analyzed in accordance with a grounded theory approach. A theoretical model of ethical decision making from a moral (...)
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  23.  51
    Advance directives and the temporal structure of a good life.Lena Stange & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):239-255.
    Definition of the problemAdvance directives involve evaluative assumptions about the further course of one’s life that can be more or less appropriate and thus call for ethical reflection. This contribution focuses on the basis and criteria of such assumptions. We argue that considerations regarding the temporal structure of a good life constitute a particularly relevant perspective in this context.ArgumentsEmpirical studies on the individual composition of advance directives point to the important role of personal values and life plans that can change (...)
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  24.  76
    Why Limitarianism Fails on its Own Premises – an Egalitarian Critique.Lena Halldenius - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):777-791.
    This article is a critical analysis of Ingrid Robeyns’ “economic limitarianism” (2017, 2019, 2022), the suggestion that there is a moral case against allowing people to be richer than they need to be in order to achieve full flourishing. Wealth above a certain “riches line” lacks value and should be capped at that level. Robeyns claims that limitarianism is justified as a partial theory of economic justice, since vast wealth is a threat to political equality and the revenue raised from (...)
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    Sommes-nous « insensibles » au ravage en cours? De « l’écologie sensible » à la lutte contre les dispositifs de désensibilisation.Léna Silberzahn - 2022 - Symposium 26 (1):77-105.
    A growing body of work approaches the current environmental devastation from the perspective of a “crisis of sensitivity”: our inability to care for the living around us is said to be a failure of perception and feeling. The article explores several versions of the narrative of modern insensitivity through a study of Günther Anders and Jane Bennett, highlighting the limitations of such approaches. I suggest the notion of a desensitization apparatus to specify and politicize the diagnosis of a “crisis of (...)
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  26. The primacy of right. On the triad of liberty, equality and virtue in wollstonecraft's political thought.Lena Halldenius - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):75 – 99.
    I argue along the following lines: For Wollstonecraft, liberty is independence in two different spheres, one presupposing the other. On the one hand, liberty is independence in relation to others, in the sense of not being vulnerable to their whim or arbitrary will. Call this social, or political, liberty. For liberty understood in this way, infringements do not require individual instances of interfering. Liberty is lost in unequal relationships, through dependence on the goodwill of a master. In addition, liberty is (...)
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  27. Categorization and the Moral Order.Lena Jayyusi - 1984 - Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1984, this is a study of categorization practices: how people categorize each other and their actions; how they describe, infer, and judge. The book presents a sociological analysis and description of practical activities and makes a cogent contribution to the study of how the moral order actually works in practical communicative contexts. Among the issues dealt with are: collectivity categorizations, the organization of lists and descriptions, moral attribution and inferences, and the relationship between standards of morality and (...)
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  28.  18
    Reducing the contingency of the world: magic, oracles, and machine-learning technology.Simon Larsson & Martin Viktorelius - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The concept of magic is frequently used to discuss technology, a practice considered useful by some with others arguing that viewing technology as magic precludes a proper understanding of technology. The concept of magic is especially prominent in discussions of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Based on an anthropological perspective, this paper juxtaposes ML technology with magic, using descriptions drawn from a project on an ML-powered system for propulsion control of cargo ships. The paper concludes that prior scholarly work on (...)
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    Editorial Introduction: Collins and Tacit Knowledge.Léna Soler & Sjoerd Zwart - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (3):5-23.
    Introduction Harry Collins is internationally recognized as a distinguished sociologist of science who writes creatively on a substantial number of varied subjects. He is acknowledged as one of the prominent specialists on the topic of tacit knowledge and has played an important role in the introduction of this topic into science studies. He has investigated the topic extensively, most famously through several case studies of physics [Collins 1974, 1984, 1985, 1990, 2001a,b, 2004], [Collins &...
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  30. Towards a formal view of corrective feedback.Staffan Larsson & Robin Cooper - unknown
    This paper introduces a formal view of the semantics and pragmatics of corrective feedback in dialogues between adults and children. The goal of this research is to give a formal account of language coordination in dialogue, and semantic coordination in particular. Accounting for semantic coordination requires (1) a semantics, i.e. an architecture allowing for dynamic meanings and meaning updates as results of dialogue moves, and (2) a pragmatics, describing the dialogue moves involved in semantic coordination. We illustrate the general approach (...)
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    The 2N-ary Choice Tree Model for N-Alternative Preferential Choice.Lena M. Wollschläger & Adele Diederich - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Modelling and knowledge transfer in complexity science.Lena Zuchowski - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:120-129.
  33.  22
    Mary Wollstonecraft’s political theory.Lena Halldenius - 2020 - In Nancy E. Johnson & Paul Keen (eds.), Mary Wollstonecraft in Context. Cambridge University Press.
    Is there a political theory in Mary Wollstonecraft’s writings? The question is relevant since Wollstonecraft’s main preoccupation was moral rather than political: the duty of every thinking person to strive to make themselves as good as they can be. This is a complex duty, involving independent thought, acting on principles of reason, and making oneself useful to others. The challenge involved in this endeavor is a recurrent theme in most of what she wrote. The idiosyncrasies of Wollstonecraft’s political theory are (...)
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  34. Om moraliska förställningars "sanning".Hans Larsson - 1999 - In Henrik Lagerlund (ed.), Svensk filosofi från Rydelius till Hedenius: texter från tre århundraden. Stockholm: Thales.
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    The ethos of caring within midwifery: A history of ideas study.Åsa Larsson & Yvonne Hilli - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):808-818.
    Background: The midwifery profession in Sweden has a history since the early 1700s when government training for midwives began. Midwifery is historically well described, but the idea of caring within midwifery is not described. Aim: The aim was to describe the patterns of ideas of caring as they appeared in midwifery during the first half of the 20th century. Research design: This study has a hermeneutic approach and the method is history of ideas. Sources of material are taken from the (...)
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  36.  25
    The wiseman in the mirror.Karl Kristian Larsson - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):1071-1072.
  37.  42
    Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy.Lena Halldenius - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):453-456.
    "The introduction of Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy provides a useful overview of the subject, while the chronology runs the gamut from ancient Greek to contemporary feminist philosophers. Dictionary entries cover both the central figures and ideas from the historical tradition of philosophy, as well as ideas and theories from contemporary feminist philosophy, such as epistemology and topics like abortion and sexuality. In addition to including entries on Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Beauvoir, and Daly, relevant aspects of other fields (...)
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  38. Narodziny psychoanalizy – Julian Ochorowicz i Zygmunt Freud.Lena Magnone - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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  39. Podmiot podporządkowany- szkoła frankfurcka a psychoanaliza Lacana.Lena Magnone - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2:87-106.
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    Das Meer beschreiben: Schriftlichkeitspraktiken der Masters der Royal Navy im langen 18. Jahrhundert.Lena Moser - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (3):211-224.
    Describing the Seas: Writing Practices of the Masters of the Royal Navy in the Long Eighteenth Century. The masters of the Royal Navy in the long eighteenth century are usually associated more with practical knowledge and experience than with an involvement with learned or ‚book‘ knowledge. However, their professional practices were based to a high degree on the usage and production of texts. This article examines how literary practices shaped the production of hydrographic knowledge by masters, in how far these (...)
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    Decision settings analysis – a tool for analysis and design of human activity systems.Nils O. Larsson - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (4):339-360.
    The paper describes a methodology to be used for analysis and design of human activity systems. The methodology is based on an analysis of the decision settings whereas most other decision analysis methodologies are analysing the process. The decision concept is analysed and discussed. A distinction between programmed and programmable as well as non-programmed and non-programmable decisions is proposed. A classification of different information types for decision making is presented. A methodology based on a systemic and systematic analysis of the (...)
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    Ein Spiel? Spieltheoretische Überlegungen zu den Pferdekämpfen der Sagaliteratur.Lena Rohrbach - 2013 - In Matthias Teichert (ed.), Sport Und Spiel Bei den Germanen: Nordeuropa von der Römischen Kaiserzeit Bis Zum Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 467-480.
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    Hermeneutics and narration: a way to deal with qualitative data.Lena Wiklund, Lisbet Lindholm & Unni Å Lindström - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (2):114-125.
    Hermeneutics and narration: a way to deal with qualitative data This article focuses a hermeneutic approach on the interpretation of narratives. It is based on the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation but modified and used within a caring science paradigm. The article begins with a presentation of the theoretical underpinnings of hermeneutic philosophy and narration, as well as Ricoeur's theory of interpretation, before going on to describe the interpretation process as modified by the authors. The interpretation process, which (...)
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    Singing emotionally: a study of pre-production, production, and post-production facial expressions.Lena R. Quinto, William F. Thompson, Christian Kroos & Caroline Palmer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    We have to talk about emotional AI and crime.Lena Podoletz - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1067-1082.
    Emotional AI is an emerging technology used to make probabilistic predictions about the emotional states of people using data sources, such as facial (micro)-movements, body language, vocal tone or the choice of words. The performance of such systems is heavily debated and so are the underlying scientific methods that serve as the basis for many such technologies. In this article I will engage with this new technology, and with the debates and literature that surround it. Working at the intersection of (...)
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    The meaningful encounter: patient and next‐of‐kin stories about their experience of meaningful encounters in health‐care.Lena-Karin Gustafsson, Ingrid Snellma & Christine Gustafsson - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):363-371.
    This study focuses on the meaningful encounters of patients and next of kin, as seen from their perspective. Identifying the attributes within meaningful encounters is important for increased understanding of caring and to expand and develop earlier formulated knowledge about caring relationships. Caring theory about the caring relationship provided a point of departure to illuminate the meaningful encounter in healthcare contexts. A qualitative explorative design with a hermeneutic narrative approach was used to analyze and interpret written narratives. The phases of (...)
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  47.  24
    This misery of light ‐ light as destruction in the work of Lina Selander.Erika Larsson - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):115-131.
    In this article I look at two works by Swedish video artist Lina Selander and explore how underlying visual patterns unfold in these works that are connected to certain worldly phenomena. Borrowing from Jacques Derrida, I describe the tendency of being en mal d'archive as an obsession to structure the world into particular recognizable patterns. I argue that Selander's works can be understood as the unfolding of such structures, the result being that the very impulse itself, the obsession Derrida speaks (...)
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    Job Demands as Risk Factors of Exposure to Bullying at Work: The Moderating Role of Team-Level Conflict Management Climate.Lena Zahlquist, Jørn Hetland, Anders Skogstad, Arnold B. Bakker & Ståle Valvatne Einarsen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Legal Questions and Scientific Answers : Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps in the Assessment of Causal Relations.Lena Wahlberg - 2010 - Dissertation, Lund University
    A large number of legal rules create an obligation to prevent, repair or otherwise mitigate damage to human health or the environment. Many of these rules require that a legally relevant causal relation between human behaviour and the damage at issue is established, and in the establishment of causal relations of this kind scientific information is often pressed into service. This thesis examines this specifically legal use of scientific information. It shows that many legally relevant causal relations cannot be established (...)
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    Love – exploitable resource or ‘No-lose situation’? : Reconciling Jónasdóttir’s feminist view with Bhaskar’s philosophy of meta-reality.Lena Gunnarsson - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (4):419-441.
    In this article I attempt to reconcile two seemingly conflicting theorisations of love, the one elaborated by Roy Bhaskar as part of his philosophy of meta-Reality and Anna G. Jónasdóttir’s historical materialist-radical feminist theory of love power. While Bhaskar emphasises the essentially non-dual character of love, envisioning it as a ‘no-lose situation’, Jónasdóttir stresses the antagonistic features structuring love relations by conceptualising love as a productive power that men tend to exploit women of. Rather than seeing these accounts as mutually (...)
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